National Drought Mitigation Center

National Drought Mitigation Center
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Lockney among the 48 cities and public water systems in Texas that have 180 or fewer days’ worth of water remaining
4/18/2014 1:03:37 PM

Relief, Response & Restrictions
Society & Public Health
Water Supply & Quality
Silverton, TX
Floydada, TX
Lockney, TX
Tulia, TX

Start Date: 4/10/2014 -  
Lockney is among the 48 cities and public water systems in Texas that have 180 or fewer days’ worth of water remaining. City council members discussed lengthening its emergency ban on outdoor watering and raising water rates to encourage conservation and to fund the $1.6 million well project expected to be complete in the fall. Lake Mackenzie, which supplies most of the water for Lockney, Floydada and Silverton, was around 5 percent of capacity. The town of Tulia stopped drawing water from Lake Mackenzie to save water for other cities. Silverton has no other water source and could be out of water within 90 days. Despite the status of Lake Mackenzie, some citizens of Lockney opposed purchasing land on which to drill a new well, thinking that Lake Mackenzie would fill up again, making the $615,000 land purchase a waste. Amarillo Globe-News (Texas), April 17, 2014