National Drought Mitigation Center

National Drought Mitigation Center
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Ashland, Oregon to access alternative water supplies
4/22/2014 4:01:43 PM

Relief, Response & Restrictions
Water Supply & Quality
Ashland, OR

Start Date: 4/21/2014 - End Date: 6/13/2014
Construction began on extending the Talent-Ashland-Phoenix waterline to Ashland to bring supplemental water to the city before the Talent Irrigation District runs short of water and cuts off the city’s supply as expected in mid-September. Medford Mail Tribune (Ore.), June 13, 2014 Starting in May, the city of Ashland intends to irrigate with some supplemental water from the Talent Irrigation District. The city council will also consider extending the Talent-Ashland-Phoenix waterline to Ashland so the city could receive supplemental potable water by mid-August. The Rogue River Basin's snowpack was only 36 percent of average at the start of April, according to the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Medford Mail Tribune (Ore.), April 21, 2014