National Drought Mitigation Center

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Spray parks in Bakersfield, California to closed, stage 3 water restrictions began
5/25/2016 12:00:00 AM

Relief, Response & Restrictions
Tourism & Recreation
Water Supply & Quality
Kern County, CA
Bakersfield, CA

Start Date: 7/23/2014 - End Date: 5/25/2016
Bakersfield’s Water Board was considering reopening the city’s nine water parks on a shortened schedule since state water regulators lifted mandatory water conservation targets. The entire city council will hear the report and vote on a new conservation standard on June 8. Bakersfield Californian (Calif.), May 25, 2016 Nine spray parks in Bakersfield will close on Aug. 1 when the state’s mandatory water conservation measures take effect. The spray parks would normally be open into September for kids to cool off during the hot late summer days. To make up for the loss of the spray parks, the recreation and parks director said that free or discounted entry into city pools and the McMurtrey Aquatic Center would be offered. All spray parks in Kern County would also likely close if Bakersfield goes ahead and closes its spray parks on Aug. 1, said the director of parks and recreation. Bakersfield will also move to stage 3 drought condition, bringing mandatory water restrictions, as the state mandated. The city attorney said that the city intends to take an educational approach to the new water restrictions and will not immediately begin fining residents for water violations. Bakersfield Californian (Calif.), July 23, 2014