National Drought Mitigation Center

National Drought Mitigation Center
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Drought threatening Oklahoma cotton crop
8/26/2014 5:30:08 PM


Start Date: 8/25/2014 -  
Oklahoma farmers have not produced a good cotton crop since 2010 because drought has not allowed the plants to thrive. The cotton crop was devastated in 2011 by drought, and in 2012 and 2013 the crop was somewhat better, but not great. The early part of 2014 through April was unusually dry, but the weather turned to a wetter pattern in May before drying out again and threatening to seriously impact the crop. While another year of drought will mean poor yields and meager income for farmers, another year of low cotton production also means hardship for Oklahomans employed in the cotton industry moving and ginning cotton. In Southwestern Oklahoma, the wheat crop has not been very successful in three out of the past four years, leaving many Oklahoma farmers in need of a profitable year when the crop is abundant, and income is sufficient to pay bills and make new purchases to keep the state economy strong. Oklahoma Farm Report (Oklahoma City, Okla.), Aug. 25, 2014