National Drought Mitigation Center

National Drought Mitigation Center
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Wild black bear activity high in Yosemite National Park in California
10/31/2014 9:39:31 AM

Plants & Wildlife
Society & Public Health
Madera County, CA
Mariposa County, CA
Tuolumne County, CA

Start Date: 1/1/2014 - End Date: 10/25/2014
Wild black bears have been stirring up trouble in Yosemite National Park this year, likely due to drought reducing the amount of berries and other bear foods available. Accounts of bears entering campgrounds and parking lots for food have risen 35 percent, compared to last year, for the second increase of this nature during the last three straight dry years. Rangers have been working hard to warn visitors about securing food, toothpaste and sunscreen so bears cannot access the items. There were 120 bear incidents in 2013, and 154 so far this year. ABC News, Oct. 25, 2014