National Drought Mitigation Center

National Drought Mitigation Center
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Man in Upland, California in trouble for conserving water, allowing lawn to turn brown
11/21/2014 2:09:04 PM

Relief, Response & Restrictions
Society & Public Health
Water Supply & Quality
Upland, CA

Start Date: 11/21/2014 -  
An Upland man may have to pay $4,000 in fines or be jailed for six months for refusing to keep his lawn green. Upland officials say he is in violation of the law by allowing his lawn to turn brown. The man was charged with two misdemeanors for not properly maintaining his front lawn and parkway, but was given options to remedy the situation, which he did not take. Officials said he could avoid a trial by paying the fines and correcting the problem or by submitting a drought-tolerant landscaping plan. The man asserts that he is being a responsible citizen by conserving water. San Jose Mercury News (Calif.), Nov. 21, 2014