National Drought Mitigation Center

National Drought Mitigation Center
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Water School teaches conservation in Santa Cruz, California
2/27/2015 1:22:42 PM

Relief, Response & Restrictions
Society & Public Health
Water Supply & Quality
Santa Cruz, CA

Start Date: 6/1/2014 -  
Water wasters in Santa Cruz were given the option of attending Water School to relieve them of some costly penalties. In June 2014, more than 1,600 water customers racked up $341,000 in fines during the first month of rationing rules. In July, over 2,100 customers had penalties amounting to $175,725 tacked onto their bills. After going to Water School, attendees have had $202,340 in fines waived. Santa Cruz gets its water mostly from storm runoff not from groundwater or canals, making water conservation very important in extending water supplies. Orange County Register (Santa Ana, Calif.), Aug. 9, 2014