National Drought Mitigation Center

National Drought Mitigation Center
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Conservation mandate causing revenue shortfall for utility in San Diego, California
11/25/2015 4:00:34 PM

Relief, Response & Restrictions
Water Supply & Quality
San Diego County, CA
Carlsbad, CA
San Diego, CA

Start Date: 11/25/2015 -  
The water conservation targets assigned by the State Water Resources Control Board were causing problems for San Diego, which has 99 percent of the water it needs. With lower water sales, due to people conserving, local water agencies have raised water rates to increase revenue. In addition, the desalination plant in Carlsbad will begin producing enough water in December to meet 7 to 10 percent of the county’s demand. County water officials hope that the state will ease conservation mandates for parts of the state where water supplies are ample. Los Angeles Times (Calif.), Nov. 25, 2015