National Drought Mitigation Center

National Drought Mitigation Center
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Pasture, hay crops affected in Covington County, Alabama
11/11/2016 4:44:07 PM

Water Supply & Quality
Covington County, AL

Start Date: 9/15/2016 - End Date: 11/11/2016
Severely dry in my area (north Covington County). My pasture grass is gone and I have been feeding hay, soy hull + corn gluten and cotton seed for about a month now. I am also concerned about the water on my place. I have been fortunate enough to utilize the natural springs on the place for water, but with drought conditions, I am concerned that I am going to have to drill a well or add county water. Typically, I overseed about 60 acres of my pastures with ryegrass and have winter grazing and a kick start for spring grasses. With the lack of rain, I have held off of planting it. Due to drought conditions, I missed a final cutting of hay. I had to begin feeding hay before I typically do due to the pasture grass shutting down. I am concerned that I am going to run out of hay and my fellow local farmers will run out as well. From an agricultural producer in Covington County, Alabama, on November 11, 2016