National Drought Mitigation Center

National Drought Mitigation Center
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Drought taking a toll on cattle ranch in Mellette County, South Dakota
7/26/2017 4:47:37 PM

Mellette County, SD
White River, SD

Start Date: 6/1/2017 - End Date: 7/26/2017
Plants & Wildlife: we have only mowed our house-yard area once since the first of May this year. Our yard grass is yellow, cracks in the yard at least 3 inches wide. Agriculture: We put up 1/4 the usual amount of hay this year, from the same number of acres. Our dams are nearly dry, which will soon lead to cattle getting stuck in the mud unless we fence out the dams. Water Supply & Quality: Again, dams for watering cattle are nearly dry. We have to rely on well water, for which there are also restrictions coming. Society & Public Health: Mood - absolutely terrible for our family right now. Concern about being able to keep cattle until normal weaning time, paying loans, etc. On the scale, the weather conditions have my husband at 2 - near very unpleasant and concerned. Relief, Response & Restrictions: Numerous fires have been in the area, either caused by dry lightning or human activity (cigarettes in road ditches), which is taking a toll on our local fire department, and also adding to our family and neighbor's stress level. It is literally a tinder box in our pastures right now. There are watering restrictions in place for water coming from the Rosebud-Oglala pipeline. Wells are barely keeping up with the water need for cattle in our area, and some people's household water availability is then shortened. Summary: We live in the northwest corner area of Mellette County, South Dakota, on a 7,200-acre cattle ranch. This year's drought is becoming devastating to us, financially and mentally. Rains have been very spotty, but for our ranch, we have seen only .27 rain this month so far - along with nearly three straight weeks of temperatures above 100 degrees. From Mellette County, South Dakota, on July 26, 2017