National Drought Mitigation Center

National Drought Mitigation Center
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Water culture changing in Sacramento, California
7/27/2017 3:07:46 PM

Relief, Response & Restrictions
Water Supply & Quality
Sacramento, CA

Start Date: 7/25/2017 -  
Despite the end of the drought, Sacramento water officials have kept their twice-weekly lawn watering rules adopted during years of intense drought and would like to make permanent their stringent water restrictions to promote a culture of water conservation. The Department of Utilities would like to change the city code to permit the use of sprinkler systems on just two days in non-drought years rather than three. In the words of city utilities director Bill Busath, “We’re transitioning between an emergency drought response to a long-term, sustainable and efficient water-use culture in the city of Sacramento.” The Sacramento Bee (Calif.), July 25, 2017