National Drought Mitigation Center

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Fewer custom harvesters in North Dakota
8/14/2017 12:00:00 AM

Business & Industry
North Dakota
Hettinger County, ND

Start Date: 8/14/2017 -  
The drought and poor small grains crops in North Dakota meant that fewer custom harvesters have come to the area. To encourage more business, the harvesters have lowered their rate by $5 per acre, knowing that farmers were not getting good yields, given that many had cut their wheat for hay rather than harvesting it for grain. Yields have ranged from five bushels an acre up to 30 bushels per acre, the top end of the range being about half of a typical yield. Mayor Troy Mosbrucker of Mott stated that the campground, which is normally full with harvesters, was maybe 30 percent occupied and noted that the economic impact is felt at cafes, gas stations, grocery stores and elsewhere. The Bismarck Tribune (N.D.), Aug. 14, 2017