National Drought Mitigation Center

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Ethanol plant in western North Dakota boosting price for corn
8/15/2017 2:13:46 PM

North Dakota
McLean County, ND

Start Date: 8/13/2017 -  
Farmers with corn to sell can get a 20-cent stronger basis at the Blue Flint Ethanol plant near Underwood and other plants in western North Dakota, given the poor corn crop in the region. Blue Flint Ethanol’s parent company, Midwest AgEnergy Group, was offering a bit more per bushel to draw the corn it needs to operate its plant. North Dakota’s corn production was forecast at 417 million bushels, 19 percent less than in 2016, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service on Aug. 1. North Dakota farmers just had a record year and still have plenty of corn in storage on the farm, so there is available corn for ethanol. In terms of this year’s corn crop, with the drought, farmers need feed for their cattle and may be more likely to make silage with their corn rather than harvest it. The Bismarck Tribune (N.D.), Aug. 13, 2017