National Drought Mitigation Center

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Yard brown, wildlife food plots mostly dead in Newfolden, Minnesota
8/17/2017 4:14:59 PM

Plants & Wildlife
Marshall County, MN

Start Date: 8/13/2017 - End Date: 8/13/2017
We have had no significant rain for months. Yard grass is brown and have not had to mow it for a month. Our wildlife food plots composed of radishes, turnips, pumpkins and clover has mostly died, while the soybeans and alfalfa are stunted. Oak trees are developing acorns and there is a small mature chokecherry crop present now. Juneberries did not produce due to dryness. Pastures are also brown and low areas/swamps are dry. Noticed a mostly mature soybean field with leaves curled and turning a greenish grey color. Fortunately small grains have been harvested. It is raining in other parts of Minnesota today farther south, but we are again not getting any precipitation. CoCoRaHS Report from Station #Newfolden 0.2 W on 8/13/2017