National Drought Mitigation Center

National Drought Mitigation Center
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Wheat not germinating well, farmers hauling water in Franklin County, Missouri
11/15/2017 7:17:38 PM

Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
Franklin County, MO

Start Date: 11/14/2017 -  
We are dry but has helped harvest. Very little stockpile growth in pastures, wheat not germinating properly, feeding hay earlier than normal may cause shortage in late winter, cows eating more hay that seems to be of higher quality than normal, ponds are low to farmers hauling water, small streams are low to dry, no fish kills reported, anyone that has applied fertilizer for fall pasture growth has not had much return, new grass and legume seeding’s are not looking good. Southern part of county seems to be worse. Seems area north of Hwy 50 yields have been affected negatively. From Franklin County, Missouri on Nov. 14, 2017