National Drought Mitigation Center

National Drought Mitigation Center
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Producer hauling water, feeding more hay in Brown and Fisher counties in Texas
2/19/2018 4:04:20 PM

Water Supply & Quality
Brown County, TX
Brownwood, TX
Fisher County, TX

Start Date: 11/11/2017 - End Date: 2/17/2018
I started to notice the dry conditions in November 2017, lack of rain and no winter grass for grazing. I started having to feed more feed and twice the amount of hay to cover the loss of winter grass that I normally have. And with the dry conditions I'm losing water rapidly in my tanks and ponds, for which I have a great concern. Between December and February is my calving season, which the dry conditions have affected greatly, causing me to have to feed more hay, mineral and feed. On several places I have had to haul water to holding tanks to keep fresh water for the cattle. This has impacted my operation and has doubled my operating cost. I have a great concern for my operation in the upcoming months not seeing any rain, winter grass for grazing and the water levels in all the tanks decreasing daily. I have no accumulation of rain for December or January. From Brown County, Texas, on February 17, 2018