National Drought Mitigation Center

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Camp Fire in Butte County, California, deadliest in state's history
11/13/2018 12:00:00 AM

Society & Public Health
Butte County, CA

Start Date: 11/8/2018 - End Date: 11/26/2018
The Camp Fire killed at least 85 people and incinerated 14,000 residences and 153,000 acres in Butte County before the blaze was fully contained on Nov. 25. The number of people still unaccounted for was 296. The Washington Post (D.C.), Nov. 26, 2018 The Camp Fire burned 203 square miles, destroyed 8,817 structures, including 7,600 single-family homes, and was responsible for 48 deaths, through the evening of Nov. 13. The blaze was 35 percent contained, according to Cal Fire. Des Moines Register (Iowa), Nov. 13, 2018 The Camp Fire became the deadliest fire in California's history, with the death toll at 42. Teams continued to search the burned area. Los Angeles Times (Calif.), Nov. 12, 2018 Dry conditions in California following a wet year that produced abundant vegetation has primed the state for wildfires that are destroying thousands of homes and resulting in the deaths of at least 31 people. In Butte County in northern California, the Camp Fire, which began on Nov. 8, charred 111,000 acres, consumed more than 6,700 homes and businesses, killed at least 29 people and devastated the town of Paradise. The Camp Fire was 25 percent contained. ABC News Radio (New York), Nov. 12, 2018