National Drought Mitigation Center

National Drought Mitigation Center
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Fisheries closures to protect Nooksack River chinook salmon in Washington
4/17/2019 4:44:32 PM

Plants & Wildlife
Relief, Response & Restrictions
Water Supply & Quality
Island County, WA
San Juan County, WA

Start Date: 4/17/2019 - End Date: 8/31/2019
Washington state fisheries managers set limits on Nooksack River chinook, due to projected low returns, according to the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Closures of local fisheries for threatened chinook covered the San Juan Islands in August and Deception Pass in December and January. Warming temperatures, low snowpack and potential summer drought were some of the other factors not boding well for chinook salmon. Bellingham Herald (Wash.), April 17, 2019